In this vignette, we aim at
evaluating the contribution of individual species to each bioregion,
using the function contribution()
We use the vegetation dataset that comes with
We use the same three bioregionalization algorithms as in the visualization
vignette, i.e. a non-hierarchical, hierarchical and network
We chose 3 bioregions for the non-hierarchical and hierarchical
# Non hierarchical bioregionalization
vege_nhclu_kmeans <- nhclu_kmeans(vegedissim, n_clust = 3, index = "Simpson")
vege_nhclu_kmeans$cluster_info # 3
## partition_name n_clust
## K_3 K_3 3
# Hierarchical bioregionalization
vege_hclu_hierarclust <- hclu_hierarclust(dissimilarity = vegedissim,
index = names(vegedissim)[3],
method = "average", n_clust = 3)
vege_hclu_hierarclust$cluster_info # 3
## partition_name n_clust requested_n_clust output_cut_height
## 1 K_3 3 3 0.5625
# Network bioregionalization
vege_netclu_walktrap <- netclu_walktrap(vegesim,
index = names(vegesim)[3])
vege_netclu_walktrap$cluster_info # 3
## partition_name n_clust
## K_3 K_3 3
The contribution index ρ is
calculated for each species x bioregion combination, following (Lenormand et al., 2019).
Its formula is
the following:
$$\rho_{ij} = \frac{n_{ij} - \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}{\sqrt{\frac{n - n_j}{n-1} (1-\frac{n_j}{n}) \frac{n_i n_j}{n}}}$$ with n the number of sites, ni the number of sites in which species i is present, nj the number of sites belonging to the bioregion j, nij the number of occurrences of species i in sites belonging to the bioregion j.
metrics are derived from . Their respective formula
are: $$C_i = 1 -
where kis is the number of links of node (species or site) i to nodes in bioregion s, and ki is the total degree of node i. The participation coefficient of a node is therefore close to 1 if its links are uniformly distributed among all the bioregions and 0 if all its links are within its own bioregion.
And: $$z_i = \frac{k_i - \overline{k_{si}}}{\sigma_{k_{si}}}$$
where ki is the number of links of node (species or site) i to other nodes in its bioregion si, $\overline{k_{si}}$ is the average of k over all the nodes in si, and σksi is the standard deviation of k in si. The within-bioregion degree z-score measures how well-connected node i is to other nodes in the bioregion.
We can now run the function contribution()
contrib_kmeans <- contribution(vege_nhclu_kmeans, vegemat,
indices = "contribution")
contrib_hclu <- contribution(vege_hclu_hierarclust, vegemat,
indices = "contribution")
contrib_netclu <- contribution(vege_netclu_walktrap, vegemat,
indices = "contribution")
# Cz indices
clust_bip <- netclu_greedy(vegedf, bipartite = TRUE)
cz_netclu <- contribution(cluster_object = clust_bip, comat = vegemat,
bipartite_link = vegedf, indices = "Cz")
outputs data.frame
with the
contribution metrics available at the species level.